On this page you will find an overview of the butterflies that can be found on my website. Both the English and Dutch names are hyperlinks. If I have written a blog about a certain species, its name in bold. If you click on the species name you will end up at the relevant blog.

For the species that I have not yet written a blog about, the name is normal displayed. If you click on the species name there, you will see an overview page with photos of this butterfly.

You can sort both the English, scientific and Dutch names in alphabetical order to make searching easier.

On my Butterflies page, all photos are in an overview as a miniature. So if you prefer to search on photos, you can take a look there.

Nederlandse naamEnglish nameWetenschappelijke naam/
Scientific name
AardbeivlinderGrizzled SkipperPyrgus malvae
AtalantaRed AdmiralVanessa atalanta
Bont ZandoogjeSpeckled WoodPararge aegeria
BoomblauwtjeHolly BlueCelastrina argiolus
Bruin zandoogjeMeadow BrownManiola jurtina
Bruine vuurvlinderSooty CopperLycaena tityrus
CitroenvlinderBrimstoneGonepteryx rhamni
DagpauwoogPeacockAglais io
DistelvlinderPainted LadyVanessa cardui
EikenpagePurple HairstreakFavonius quercus
Gehakkelde aureliaCommaPolygonia c-album
Gele luzernevlinderPale Clouded YellowColias hyale
Gentiaanblauwtje Alcon BluePhengaris alcon
GroentjeGreen HairstreakCallophrys rubi
Groot dikkopjeLarge SkipperOchlodes sylvanus
Groot koolwitjeLarge WhitePieris brassicae
Heideblauwtje Silver-studded BluePlebejus argus
HeivlinderGraylingHipparchia semele
HooibeestjeSmall HeathCoenonympha pamphilus
IcarusblauwtjeCommon BluePolyommatus icarus
KeizersmantelSilver-washed FritillaryArgynnis paphia f. valesina
Klein geaderd witjeGreen-veined WhitePieris napi
Klein koolwitjeSmall WhitePieris rapae
Kleine vosSmall TortoiseshellAglais urticae
Kleine vuurvlinderSmall CopperLycaena phlaeas
KoevinkjeRingletAphantopus hyperantus
Kommavlinder Silver-spotted SkipperHesperia comma
KoninginnenpageSwallow TailPapilio machaon
LandkaartjeMap ButterflyAraschnia levana
Oranje zandoogjeGatekeeperPyronia tithonus
OranjetipjeOrange TipAnthocharis cardamines
SleedoornpageBrown HairstreakThecla betulae
Zilveren maanSmall Pearl-bordered FritillaryBoloria selene
ZwartsprietdikkopjeEssex SkipperThymelicus lineola