On this page you will find an overview of the birds that can be found on my website. Both the English and Dutch names are hyperlinks. If I have written a blog about a certain species, its name is in bold. If you click on the species name you will end up at the relevant blog.

For the species that I have not yet written a blog about, the name is normal displayed. If you click on the species name there, you will go to an overview page with photos of this bird.

You can sort both the English, scientific and Dutch names in alphabetical order to make searching easier.

On my Birds page, all photos are in an overview as a miniature. So if you prefer to search on photos, you can take a look there.

Nederlandse naamEnglish nameWetenschappelijke naam/
Scientific name
AalscholverGreat CormorantPhalacrocorax carbo
BaardmanBearded reedlingPanurus biarmicus
BlauwborstBluethroatLuscinia svecica
Blauwe reigerGrey HeronArdea cinerea
BoerenzwaluwBarn SwallowHirundo rustica
BosuilTawny OwlStrix aluco
BoomkleverEuropean NuthatchSitta europaea
BraamsluiperLesser WhitethroatSylvia curruca
BuizerdCommon BuzzardButeo buteo
DraaihalsEurasian WryneckJynx torquilla
FitisWillow WarblerPhylloscopus trochilus
FuutGreat Crested GrebePodiceps cristatus
Gekraagde RoodstaartCommon RedstartPhoenicurus phoenicurus
Gele kwikstaartBlue-headed WagtailMotacilla flava flava
Geoorde fuutBlack-necked GrebePodiceps nigricollis
GoudhaanGoldcrestRegulus regulus
GoudvinkEurasian BullfinchPyrrhula pyrrhula
GrasmusCommon White-throatSylvia communis
GraspieperMeadow PipitAnthus pratensis
Grauwe kiekendiefMontagu's HarrierCircus pygargus
Grauwe klauwierRed-backed ShrikeLanius collurio
Grauwe vliegenvangerSpotted FlycatcherMuscicapa striata
GroenlingEuropean GreenfinchChloris chloris
Grote gele kwikstaartGrey WagtailMotacilla cinerea
Grote ZaagbekGoosanderMergus merganser
Grutto Black-tailed GodwitLimosa limosa
HeggenmusDunnockPrunella modularis
HoutsnipWoodcockScopolax rusticola
HuismusHouse SparrowPasser domesticus
HuiszwaluwCommon House MartinDelichon urbicum
IJsvogelCommon KingfisherAlcedo atthis
KauwEurasian JackdawColoeus monedula
KievitNorthern LapwingVanellus vanellus
KlapeksterGreat Grey ShrikeLanius excubitor
Kleine karekietEurasian Reed WarblerAcrocephalus scirpaceus
Kleine mantelmeeuwLesser Black-backed GullLarus fuscus
Kneu Common LinnetLinaria cannabina
KnobbelzwaanMute SwanCygnus olor
KokmeeuwBlack-headed GullChroicocephalus ridibundus
KoolmeesGreat TitParus major
KuifeendTufted DuckAythya fuligula
LepelaarEurasian SpoonbillPlatalea leucorodia
MeerkoetEurasian CootFulica atra
MerelBlackbirdTurdus merula
OoievaarWhite storkCiconia ciconia
Oosterse zwarte roodstaartEastern Black RedstartPhoenicurus ochruros phoenicuroides
Paapje WhinchatSaxicola rubetra
PestvogelBohemian WaxwingBombycilla garrulus
PimpelmeesBluetitCyanistes caeruleus
Putter/a>European GoldfinchCarduelis carduelis
RansuilLong-eared Owl Asio otus
RietgorsCommon Reed BuntingEmberiza schoeniclus
RietzangerSedge WarblerAcrocephalus schoenobaenus
RingsnaveleendRing-necked DuckAythya collaris
RoodborstRobinErithacus rubecula
RoodborsttapuitEuropean StonechatSaxicola rubicola
ScholeksterOystercatcherHaematopus ostralegus
SmellekenMerlinFalco columbarius
SpreeuwCommon StarlingSturnus vulgaris
SprinkhaanzangerCommon Grasshopper WarblerLocustella naevia
StaartmeesLong-tailed TitAegithalos caudatus
TapuitNorthern WheatearOenanthe oenanthe
Tjiftjaf Common Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita
TorenvalkKestrelFalco tinnunculus
TureluurCommon RedshrankTringa totanus
VeldleeuwerikEurasian SkylarkAlauda arvensis
VinkCommon ChaffinchFringilla coelebs
WaterralWater RailRallus aquaticus
WatersnipSnipeGallinago gallinago
WinterkoningEurasian WrenNannus troglodytes
WitkeelkwikstaartWhite-throated WagtailMotacilla cinereocapilla
Witte kwikstaartWhite WagtailMotacilla alba
WitwangsternWhiskered TernChlidonias hybrida
Zwartbuikwaterspreeuw Black-bellied DipperCinclus cinclus cinclus
Zwarte kraaiCarrion CrowCorvus corone
ZwartkeellijsterBlack-throated ThrushTurdus atrogularis
ZwartkopEurasian BlackcapSylvia atricapilla