Aangebrande spanner | Scorched Carpet | Ligdia adustata | |
Aardappelstengelboorder | Potato Stem Borer | Hydraecia micacea | |
Agaatvlinder | Angle Shades | Phlogophora meticulosa | |
Alismabladroller | Water Plantain Conch | Gynnidomorpha alismana | micro |
Appelmolmboorder | Epicallima formosella (has no English name) | Epicallima formosella | micro |
Appelstippelmot | Apple Ermine | Yponomeuta malinellus | micro |
Appeltak | Light Emerald | Campaea margaritaria | |
Bandlichtmot | Sciota adelphella (has no English name) | Sciota adelphella | micro |
Bastaardsatijnvlinder | Brown-tail | Euproctis chrysorrhoea | |
Berken-orvlinder | Satin Lutestring | Tetheella fluctuosa | |
Berkenbrandvlerkvlinder | Lesser Swallow Prominent | Pheosia gnoma | |
Berkeneenstaart | Pebble Hook-tip | Drepana falcataria | |
Berkenhermelijnvlinder | Alder Kitten | Furcula bicuspis | |
Berkenmarmerbladroller | Apotomis betuletana (has no English name) | Apotomis betuletana | micro |
Berkenoogbladroller | Epinotia demarniana (has no English name) | Epinotia demarniana | micro |
Berkenpedaalmot | Bronze Alder Moth | Argyresthia goedartella | micro |
Berkenspikkelspanner | Grey Birch | Aethalura punctulata | |
Berkenvouwmot | Red Birch Midget | Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella | micro |
Bessentakvlinder | Spinach | Eulithis mellinata | |
Beukeneenstaart | Barred Hook-tip | Watsonalla cultraria | |
Beukenspiegelmot | Beech Moth | Cydia fagiglandana | micro |
Beukenvouwmot | Beech Midget | Phyllonorycter maestingella | micro |
Bijvoetdwergspanner | Angle-barred Pug | Eupithecia innotata | |
Blauwe distelbladroller | Little Conch | Cochylis dubitana | micro |
Blauwooggrasmot | Agriphila straminella (has no English name) | Agriphila straminella | micro |
Blauwrandspanner | Blue-bordered Carpet | Plemyria rubiginata | |
Bleke langsprietmot | Nematopogon swammerdamella (has no English name) | Nematopogon swammerdamella | micro |
Bleke grasmot | Crambus perlella (has no English name) | Crambus perlella | micro |
Bleke grasuil | Common Wainscot | Mythimna pallens | |
Bleke kaartmot | Agonopterix arenella (has no English name) | Agonopterix arenella | micro |
Bleke vlekwortelmot | Dichrorampha simpliciana (has no English name) | Dichrorampha simpliciana | micro |
Bont schaapje | The Sycamore | Acronicta aceris | |
Bonte bessenvlinder | Magpie | Abraxas grossulariata | |
Bonte brandnetelmot | Small Magpie | Anania hortulata | micro |
Bonte fruitbladroller | Diamond-back Marble | Eudemis profundana | micro |
Bonte kaartmot | Agonopterix ciliella (has no English name) | Agonopterix ciliella | micro |
Bonte lariksbladroller | Spilonota laricana (has no English name) | Spilonota laricana | micro |
Bonte valkmot | Evergestis pallidata (has no English name) | Evergestis pallidata | micro |
Boogsnuituil | Small Fan-foot | Herminia grisealis | |
Bosbesuil | Chestnut | Conistra vaccinii | |
Boslichtmot | Cryptoblabes bistriga (has no English name) | Cryptoblabes bistriga | micro |
Bosrankdwergspanner | Haworth's Pug | Eupithecia haworthiata | |
Bosspanner | Lesser Cream Wave | Scopula immutata | |
Braamvlinder | Peach Blossom | Thyatira batis | |
Bramenbladroller | Bramble Shoot Moth | Notocelia uddmanniana | micro |
Brandnetelbladroller | Dark Strawberry Tortrix | Syricoris lacunana | micro |
Brandnetelmot | Nettle-tap | Anthophila fabriciana | micro |
Brandvlerkvlinder | Swallow Prominent | Pheosia tremula | |
Brede w-uil | Light Brocade | Lacanobia w-latinum | |
Breedbandhuismoeder | Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | Noctua fimbriata | |
Bruinbandspanner | Shaded Broad-bar | Scotopteryx chenopodiata | |
Bruine daguil | Burnet Companion | Euclidia glyphica | |
Bruine eenstaart | Dusky Hook-tip | Drepana curvatula | |
Bruine essenmot | Prays ruficeps (has no English name) | Prays ruficeps | micro |
Bruine grasuil | Dotted Rustic | Rhyacia simulans | |
Bruine grijsbandspanner | Common Wave | Cabera exanthemata | |
Bruine groenuil | Green Arches | Anaplectoides prasina | |
Bruine herfstuil | The Brick | Agrochola circellaris | |
Bruine huismot | Brown House Moth | Hofmannophila pseudospretella | micro |
Bruine molmboorder | Harpella forficella (has no English name) | Harpella forficella | micro |
Bruine sikkeluil | Beautiful Hook-tip | Laspeyria flexula | |
Bruine snuituil | Snout | Hypena proboscidalis | |
Bruine vierbandspanner | Red Twin-spot Carpet | Xanthorhoe spadicearia | |
Bruine wapendrager | Chocolate-tip | Clostera curtula | |
Brummelspanner | Beautiful Carpet | Mesoleuca albicillata | |
Buxusmot | Box Tree Moth | Cydalima perspectalis | micro |
Dennenlotmot | Pine Bud Moth | Exoteleia dodecella | micro |
Dennenspanner | Bordered White | Bupalus piniaria | |
Dennenuil | Pine Beauty | Panolis flammea | |
Distelbladroller | Agapeta hamana (has no English name) | Agapeta hamana | micro
Donker brandnetelkapje | Dark Spectacle | Abrostola triplasia | |
Donker halmuiltje | Tawny Marbled Minor | Oligia latruncula | |
Donker klaverblaadje | Sharp-angled Peacock | Macaria alternata | |
Donkere iepenuil | Lesser-spotted Pinion | Cosmia affinis | |
Donkere marmeruil | Marbled White Spot | Deltote pygarga | |
Donsvlinder | Yellow-tail | Euproctis similis | |
Driehoekuil | Double Square-spot | Xestia triangulum | |
Drielijnuil | Treble Lines | Charanyca trigrammica | |
Drietandvlakjesmot | Catoptria falsella (has no English name) | Catoptria falsella | micro |
Drievlekspanner | Dorset Cream Wave | Stegania trimaculata | |
Dromedaris | Iron Prominent | Notodonta dromedarius | |
Dubbelstipvoorjaarsuil | Twin-spotted Quaker | Anorthoa munda | |
Duikermot | Water Veneer | Acentria ephemerella | micro |
Dwarsstreephaakbladroller | Ancylis achatana (has no English name) | Ancylis achatana | micro |
Dwerghuismoeder | Small Yellow Underwing | Panemeria tenebrata | |
Dwergstipspanner | Dwarf Cream Wave | Idaea fuscovenosa | |
Egale duifmot | Swammerdamia caesiella (has no English name) | Swammerdamia caesiella | micro |
Egale dwergspanner | Wormwood Pug | Eupithecia absinthiata | |
Egale rietboorder | Fen Wainscot | Arenostola phragmitidis | |
Egale stipspanner | Plaine Wave | Idaea straminata | |
Egale stofuil | The Rustic | Hoplodrina blanda | |
Egale vlakjesmot | Catoptria pinella (has no English name) | Catoptria pinella | micro |
Egelskopboorder | Webb's Wainscot | Globia sparganii | |
Egelskopmot | Beautiful China-mark | Nymphula nitidulata | micro |
Eikenlichtmot | Phycita roborella (has no English name) | Phycita roborella | micro |
Eikenpalpmot | Black-dotted Groundling | Stenolechia gemmella | micro |
Eikenprocessierups | Oak Procesionary | Thaumetopoea processionea | |
Eikensteltmot | New Oak Slender | Caloptilia robustella | micro |
Eikentandvlinder | Great Prominent | Peridea anceps | |
Eikentopspinselmot | Acrobasis consociella (has no English name) | Acrobasis consociella | micro |
Eikenuiltje | Brindled Green | Dryobotodes eremita | |
Elzenoogbladroller | Epinotia immundana (has no English name) | Epinotia immundana | micro |
Elzenuil | Alder Moth | Acronicta alni | |
Ereprijsvedermot | Brown Plume | Stenoptilia pterodactyla | micro |
Esdoornbladroller | Cydia inquinatana (has no English name) | Cydia inquinatana | micro |
Esdoornboogbladroller | Acleris sparsana (has no English name) | Acleris sparsana | micro |
Esdoorndwergspanner | Maple Pug | Eupithecia inturbata | |
Esdoornscheutboorder | Anarsia innoxiella (has no English name) | Anarsia innoxiella | micro |
Essengouduil | Centre-barred Sallow | Atethmia centrago | |
Essenspanner | Dusky Thor | Ennomos fuscantaria | |
Fijnsparkegelmot | Assara terebrella (has no English name) | Assara terebrella | micro |
Fraaie dennenbladroller | Pine Tortrix | Archips oporana | micro |
Fraaie korrelpalpmot | Teleiopsis diffinis (has no English name) | Teleiopsis diffinis | micro |
Gamma-uil | Silver Y | Autographa gamma | |
Geel beertje | Orange Footman | Eilema sororcula | |
Geel spannertje | Small Yellow Wave | Hydrelia flammeolaria | |
Geelbandlangsprietmot | Longhorn Moth | Nemophora degeerella | micro |
Geelbruine herfstuil | Yellow-line Quaker | Agrochola macilenta | |
Geelbruine rietboorder | Brown-veined Wainscot | Archanara dissoluta | |
Geelbruine vlekuil | Saltern Ear | Amphipoea fucosa | |
Geelkoplichtmot | Salebriopsis albicilla (has no English name) | Salebriopsis albicilla | micro |
Geelpalpmot | Eccopisa effractella (has no English name) | Eccopisa effractella | micro |
Geelsnuiteikenkokermot | Forest Case-bearer | Coleophora ibipennella | micro |
Geelschouderspanner | Canary-shouldered Thorn | Ennomos alniaria | |
Gehakkelde spanner | September Thorn | Ennomos erosaria | |
Gekraagde grasuil | The Clay | Mythimna ferrago | |
Gele agaatspanner | Barred Straw | Gandaritis pyraliata | |
Gele bladroller | Timothy Tortrix | Aphelia paleana | micro |
Gele eenstaart | Oak Hook-tip | Watsonalla binaria | |
Gele lis-boorder | Crescent | Helotropha leucostigma | |
Gele oogspanner | Clay Triple-lines | Cyclophora linearia | |
Gele tijger | Buff Ermine | Spilosoma lutea | |
Gelijnde grasuil | Feathered Gothic | Tholera decimalis | |
Gelijnde smalpalpmot | Elm Groundlin | Carpatolechia fugitivella | micro |
Gelobd halmuiltje | Marbled Minor | Oligia strigilis | |
Gemarmerde oogbladroller | Epinotia ramella (has no English name) | Epinotia ramella | micro |
Geoogde bandspanner | Silver-ground Carpet | Xanthorhoe montanata | |
Geoogde worteluil | Heart and Club | Agrotis clavis | |
Gepijlde grasmot | Elbow-striped Grass-veneer | Agriphila geniculea | micro |
Gepijlde micro-uil | Pinion-streaked Snout | Schrankia costaestrigalis | |
Gepluimde spanner | Feathered Thorn | Colotois pennaria | |
Gerande spanner | Clouded Border | Lomaspilis marginata | |
Gerimpelde spanner | Tawny-barred Angle | Macaria liturata | |
Gestippelde houtvlinder | Leopard Moth | Zeuzera pyrina | |
Gestippelde rietboorder | Twin-spotted Wainscot | Lenisa geminipuncta | |
Gestippelde oogspanner | Maiden's Blush | Cyclophora punctaria | |
Gestreepte bremspanner | Grass Wave | Perconia strigillaria | |
Gestreepte goudspanner | Yellow Shell | Camptogramma bilineata | |
Gestreepte rietuil | Obscure Wainscot | Leucania obsoleta | |
Gestreepte tandvlinder | Marbled Brown | Drymonia dodonae | |
Getekende gamma-uil | Dewick’s Plusia | Macdunnoughia confusa | |
Gevlamde bladroller | Variegated Golden Tortrix | Archips xylosteana | micro |
Gevlamde rietuil | Flame Wainscot | Senta flammea | |
Gevlekte groenuil | Scarce Merveille du Jour | Moma alpium | |
Gevlekte langsprietmot | Nematopogon adansoniella (has no English name) | Nematopogon adansoniella | micro |
Gevlekte zomervlinder | Blotched Emerald | Comibaena bajularia | |
Gewone bandspanner | Common Carpet | Epirrhoe alternata | |
Gewone biesbladroller | Bactra lancealana (has no English name) | Bactra lancealana | micro |
Gewone breedvleugeluil | Small Square-spot | Diarsia rubi | |
Gewone coronamot | Elderberry Pearl | Anania coronata | micro |
Gewone dwergspanner | Common Pug | Eupithecia vulgata | |
Gewone eikenkokermot | Coleophora lutipennella (has no English name) | Coleophora lutipennella | micro |
Gewone eikenvouwmot | Common Oak Midget | Phyllonorycter quercifoliella | micro |
Gewone grasmot | Garden Grass-Veneer | Chrysoteuchia culmella | micro |
Gewone grasuil | Flounced Rustic | Luperina testacea | |
Gewone heispanner | Common Heath | Ematurga atomaria | |
Gewone spiegelmot | Chestnut Tortrix | Cydia splendana | micro |
Gewone spikkelspanner | Small Engrailed | Ectropis crepuscularia | |
Gewone stofuil | The Uncertain | Hoplodrina octogenaria | |
Gewone witvlakbladroller | Marbled Orchard Tortrix | Hedya nubiferana | micro |
Gewone witvlekmot | Feathered Diamond-back | Incurvaria masculella | micro |
Gewone worteluil | Heart and Dart | Agrotis exclamationis | |
Gewoon kroeskopje | Cork Moth | Nemapogon cloacella | micro |
Gezoomde valkmot | Evergetis limbata (has no English name) | Evergetis limbata | micro |
Glad beertje | Dingy Footman | Eilema griseola | |
Goudgele boorder | Frosted Orange | Gortyna flavago | |
Goudvenstertje | Gold Spot | Plusia festucae | |
Goudvleksteltmot | Yellow-triangle Slender
| Caloptilia alchimiella | micro |
Graswortelvlinder | Dark Arches | Apamea monoglypha | |
Grauwe grasuil | Dusky Brocade | Apamea remissa | |
Grauwe monnik | The Shark | Cucullia umbratica | |
Grijsgevlekte grasmineermot | Elachista maculicerusella (has no English name) | Elachista maculicerusella | micro |
Grijze dwergspanner | Grey Pug | Eupithecia subfuscata | |
Grijze heispanner | Horse Chestnut | Pachycnemia hippocastanaria | |
Grijze kruidenmot | Udea prunalis (has no English name) | Udea prunalis | micro |
Grijze stipspanner | Riband Wave | Idaea aversata | |
Groenbandspanner | May Highflyer | Hydriomena impluviata | |
Groene blokspanner | Yellow-barred Brindle | Acasis viretata | |
Groene dwergspanner | Green Pug | Pasiphila rectangulata | |
Groene eikenbladroller | Green Oak Tortrix | Tortrix viridana | micro |
Groente-uil | Bright-line Brown-eye | Lacanobia oleracea | |
Groot avondrood | Elephant Hawk-moth | Deilephila elpenor | |
Grootkopbladroller | Zeiraphera isertana (has no English name) | Zeiraphera isertana | micro |
Grootvlekmospalpmot | Bryotropha basaltinella (has no English name) | Bryotropha basaltinella | micro |
Grootvlekstippelmot | Yponomeuta plumbella (has no English name) | Yponomeuta plumbella | micro |
Grote appelbladroller | Large Fruit-tree Tortrix | Archips podana | micro |
Grote beer | Garden Tiger | Arctia caja | |
Grote groenuil | Scarce Silver-lines | Bena bicolorana | |
Grote meelmot | Meal Moth | Pyralis farinalis | micro |
Grote pedaalmot | Apple Fruit Moth | Argyresthia conjugella | micro |
Grote spikkelspanner | Great Oak Beauty | Hypomecis roboraria | |
Grote voorjaarsspanner | Dotted Border | Agriopis marginaria | |
Grote wasmot | Wax Moth | Galleria mellonella | micro |
Grote wintervlinder | Mottled Umber | Erannis defoliaria | |
Grote witvlakbladroller | Buff-tipped Marble | Hedya ochroleucana | micro |
Grote worteluil | Dark Sword-grass | Agrotis ipsilon | |
Guldenroededwergspanner | Golden-rod Pug | Eupithecia virgaureata | |
Haarbos | Flame Shoulder | Ochropleura plecta | |
Hagedoornvlinder | Brimstone Moth | Opisthograptis luteolata | |
Halmrupsvlinder | Common Rustic | Mesapamea secalis | |
Halvemaanvlinder | Purple Thorn | Selenia tetralunaria | |
Havikskruidvedermot | Oxyptilus chrysodactyla (has no English name) | Oxyptilus chrysodactyla | micro |
Hazelaaruil | Nut-tree Tussock | Colocasia coryli | |
Hemelsleutelstippelmot | Yponomeuta sedella (has no English name) | Yponomeuta sedella | micro |
Hennepnetelspanner | Small Rivulet | Perizoma alchemillata | |
Heremietuil | Double Kidney | Ipimorpha retusa | |
Herculesje | Early Thorn | Selenia dentaria | |
Hermelijnbladroller | Notocelia cynosbatella (has no English name) | Notocelia cynosbatella | micro |
Herfstrietboorder | Large Wainscot | Rhizedra lutosa | |
Herfstspanner | November Moth | Epirrita dilutata | |
Hertshooibladroller | Lathronympha strigana (has no English name) | Lathronympha strigana | micro |
Hoefijzermot | White-foot Bell | Epiblema foenella | micro |
Hommelnestmot | Bee Moth | Aphomia sociella | micro |
Hopdwergspanner | Currant Pug | Eupithecia assimilata | |
Houtspaander | The Flame | Axylia putris | |
Huismoeder | Large Yellow Underwing | Noctua pronuba | |
Hyena | Dun-bar | Cosmia trapezina | |
Italiaanse kaneelsikkelmot | Metalampra italica (has no English name) | Metalampra italica | micro |
Kajatehoutspanner | Dark Spinach | Pelurga comitata | |
Kameeltje | Pebble Prominent | Notodonta ziczac | |
Kamillebladroller | Chamomile Conch | Cochylidia implicitana | micro |
Karmozijnrood weeskind | Dark Crimson Underwing | Catocala sponsa | |
Katjeslichtmot | Vitula biviella (has no English name) | Vitula biviella | micro |
Kegelbladroller | Spruce Seed Moth | Cydia strobilella | micro |
Kersenbladroller | Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix | Pandemis cerasana | micro |
Klaverblaadje | Peacock Moth | Macaria notata | |
Klaverspanner | Latticed Heath | Chiasmia clathrata | |
Klein avondrood | Small Elephant Hawk-moth | Deilephila porcellus | |
Kleine beer | Ruby Tiger | Phragmatobia fuliginosa | |
Kleine blokspanner | Small Seraphim | Pterapherapteryx sexalata | |
Kleine boogbladroller | Maple Leaftier Moth | Acleris forsskaleana | micro |
Kleine breedbandhuismoeder | Langmaid's Yellow Underwing | Noctua janthina | |
Kleine groenbandspanner | Green Carpet | Colostygia pectinataria | |
Kleine groenuil | Cream-bordered Green Pea | Earias clorana | |
Kleine hermelijnvlinder | Sallow Kitten | Furcula furcula | |
Kleine huismoeder | Least Yellow Underwing | Noctua interjecta | |
Kleine rietvink | Reed Dagger | Simyra albovenosa | |
Kleine voorjaarsspanner | Spring Usher | Agriopis leucophaearia | |
Kleine voorjaarsuil | Small Quaker | Orthosia cruda | |
Kleine wintervlinder | Winter Moth | Operophtera brumata | |
Kleine wortelhoutspanner | Broken-barred Carpet | Electrophaes corylata | |
Kleine zomervlinder | Common Emerald | Hemithea aestivaria | |
Koekoeksbloemspanner | Rivulet | Perizoma affinitata | |
Kolibrievlinder | Hummingbird Hawk-moth | Macroglossum stellatarum | |
Komma-uil | Shoulder-striped Wainscot | Leucania comma | |
Koolbandspanner | Flame Carpet | Xanthorhoe designata | |
Koolbladroller | Cyclamen Tortrix | Clepsis spectrana | micro |
Koolmotje | Diamond-back Moth | Plutella xylostella | micro |
Kooluil | Cabbage Moth | Mamestra brassicae | |
Koperuil | Burnished Brass | Diachrysia chrysitis | |
Koraalbladroller | Leche's Twist Moth | Ptycholoma lecheana | micro |
Kortzuiger | Scalloped Oak | Crocallis elinguaria | |
Krabbenscheermot | Ringed China-mark | Parapoynx stratiotata | micro |
Kroonvogeltje | Coxcomb Prominent | Ptilodon capucina | |
Kroosvlindertje | Small China-mark | Cataclysta lemnata | micro |
Kweekgrasuil | Rustic Shoulder-knot | Apamea sordens | |
Leverkleurige bladroller | Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix | Pandemis heparana | micro |
Leverkleurige spanner | Dingy Shell | Euchoeca nebulata | |
Levervlek | Small Angle Shades | Euplexia lucipara | |
Lichte granietmot | Eudonia lacustrata (has no English name) | Eudonia lacustrata | micro |
Licht visstaartje | Scarce Black Arches | Nola aerugula | |
Liesgrassnuitmot | Donacaula forficella (has no English name) | Donacaula forficella | micro |
Lieveling | Blood-vein | Timandra comae | |
Ligusterpijlstaart | Privet Hawk-moth | Sphinx ligustri | |
Lijnsnuituil | The Fan-foot | Herminia tarsipennalis | |
Lindeknotsvlinder | Scorched Wing | Plagodis dolabraria | |
Lindepijlstaart | Lime Hawk-moth | Mimas tiliae | |
Lisdoddeboorder | Bulrush Wainscot | Nonagria typhae | |
Lisdoddesnuitmot | Calamotropha paludella (has no English name) | Calamotropha paludella | micro |
Loofboombladroller | Common Cloaked Shoot | Gypsonoma dealbana | micro |
Luipaardlichtmot | Rush Veneer | Nomophila noctuella | micro |
Maanuiltje | Lunar-spotted Pinion | Cosmia pyralina | |
Maantandvlinder | Lunar Marbled Brown | Drymonia ruficornis | |
Margrietwortelmot | Dichrorampha acuminatana (has no English name) | Dichrorampha acuminatana | micro |
Marmerspanner | Small Phoenix | Ecliptopera silaceata | |
Meidoornbladroller | Brown Oak Tortrix | Archips crataegana | micro |
Meidoornduifmot | Paraswammerdamia lutarea (has no English name) | Paraswammerdamia lutarea | micro |
Meidoornstippelmot | Orache Ermine | Yponomeuta padella | micro |
Meidoornuil | Green-brindled Crescent | Allophyes oxyacanthae | |
Meldevlinder | Orache Moth | Trachea atriplicis | |
Melkwitte zomervlinder
| Little Emerald | Jodis lactearia | |
| Muslin Moth | Diaphora mendica | |
Meriansborstel | Pale Tussock | Calliteara pudibunda | |
Metaalkokermot | Clover Case-bearer | Coleophora alcyonipennella | micro |
Metaalvlinder | Forester | Adscita statices | |
Mi-vlinder | Mother Shipton | Euclidia mi | |
Moerasbladroller | Straw Conch | Cochylimorpha straminea | micro |
Moerasgrasuil | Double Lobed | Lateroligia ophiogramma | |
Morpheusstofuil | Mottled Rustic | Caradrina morpheus | |
Muisbeertje | Dotted Footman | Pelosia muscerda | |
Muntbladroller | Phalonidia manniana (has no English name) | Phalonidia manniana | micro |
Muntvlindertje | Mint Moth | Pyrausta aurata | micro |
Mutsjeslichtmot | Acrobasis advenella (has no English name) | Acrobasis advenella | micro |
Naaldboomspanner | Grey Pine Carpet | Thera obeliscata | |
Naaldkunstwerkje | Bisigna procerella (has no English name) | Bisigna procerella | micro |
Najaarsspanner | Scarce Umber | Agriopis aurantiaria | |
Nazomergranietmot | Eudonia truncicolella (has no English name) | Eudonia truncicolella | micro |
Nonvlinder | Black Arches | Lymantria monacha | |
Nunvlinder | Hebrew Character | Orthosia gothica | |
Oosterse schone | Eratophyes amasiella (has no English name) | Eratophyes amasiella | micro |
Open breedbandhuismoeder | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | Noctua janthe | |
Oranje agaatspanner | Chevron | Eulithis testata | |
Oranje bandlichtmot | Sciota rhenella (has no English name) | Sciota rhenella | micro |
Oranje bruinbandspanner | Barred Yellow | Cidaria fulvata | |
Oranje dwergspanner | Tawny Speckled Pug | Eupithecia icterata | |
Oranje eikenbladroller | Rusty Oak Moth | Cydia amplana | micro |
Oranje eikenlichtmot | Acrobasis repandana (has no English name) | Acrobasis repandana | micro |
Oranje kruidenmot | Rusty Dot Pearl | Udea ferrugalis | micro |
Oranje mospalpmot | Bryotropha terrella (has no English name) | Bryotropha terrella | micro |
Oranje wortelboorder | Orange Swift | Triodia sylvina | |
Oranjebruine grasmot | Pediasia contaminella (has no English name) | Pediasia contaminella | micro |
Oranjegeel halmuiltje | Middle-barred Minor | Oligia fasciuncula | |
Orvlinder | Poplar Lutestring | Tethea or | |
Paardenbloembladroller | Celypha striana (has no English name) | Celypha striana | micro |
Paardenbloemspanner | Small Dusty Wave | Idaea seriata | |
Paddenstoeluil | Waved Black | Parascotia fuliginaria | |
Panterspitskopmot | Ypsolopha sequella (has no English name) | Ypsolopha sequella | micro |
Papegaaitje | Red-green Carpet | Chloroclysta siterata | |
Parelmoermot | Mother of Pearl | Pleuroptya ruralis | micro |
Pauwoogpijlstaart | Eyed Hawk-moth | Smerinthus ocellata | |
Peper-en-zoutvlinder | Peppered Moth | Biston betularia | |
Peppel-orvlinder | Figure of Eighty | Tethea ocularis | |
Perentak | Pale Brindled Beauty | Phigalia pilosaria | |
Perzikkruiduil | Dot Moth | Melanchra persicariae | |
Pinguintje | Hedya salicella (has no English name) | Hedya salicella | micro |
Pinksterbloemlangsprietmot | Cauchas rufimitrella (has no English name) | Cauchas rufimitrella | micro |
Piramidevlinder | Copper Underwing | Amphipyra pyramidea | |
Plakker | Gypsy Moth | Lymantria dispar | |
Plat beertje | Common Footman | Eilema lurideola | |
Populierenpijlstaart | Poplar Hawk-moth | Laothoe populi | |
Populierentandvlinder | Dusky Marbled Brown | Gluphisia crenata | |
Porseleinvlinder | Clouded Magpie | Abraxas sylvata | |
Pruimenmot | Plum Fruit Mot | Grapholita funebrana | micro |
Pruimwitvlakbladroller | Plum Tortrix | Hedya pruniana | micro |
Psi-uil | Grey Dagger | Acronicta psi | |
Puntige zoomspanner | Bordered Beauty | Epione repandaria | |
Puta-uil | Shuttle-shaped Dart | Agrotis puta | |
Rietgrasuil | Small Clouded Brindle | Apamea unanimis | |
Rietmot | Chilo phragmitella (has no English name) | Chilo phragmitella | micro |
Rietsnuitmot | Schoenobius gigantella (has no English name) | Schoenobius gigantella | micro |
Rietvink | The Drinker | Euthrix potatoria | |
Ringelrups | Lackey Moth | Malacosoma neustria | |
Ringspikkelspanner | Pale Oak Beauty | Hypomecis punctinalis | |
Rode driehoekbladroller | Golden Leafroller Moth | Acleris holmiana | micro |
Rode eikenlichtmot | Acrobasis tumidana (has no English name) | Acrobasis tumidana | micro |
Rode knopbladroller | Bud Moth | Spilonota ocellana | micro |
Rode vlekkenuil | Red Chestnut | Cerastis rubricosa | |
Roesje | Herald | Scoliopteryx libatrix | |
Rondvleugelbeertje | Round-winged Muslin | Thumatha senex | |
Roodbandbeer | Clouded Buff | Diacrisia sannio | |
Rood weeskind | Red Underwing | Catocala nupta | |
Russenuil | Small Rufous | Coenobia rufa | |
Salielichtmot | Anania verbascalis (has no English name) | Anania verbascalis | micro |
Satijnlichtmot | Palpita vitrealis (has no English name) | Palpita vitrealis | micro |
Satijnvlinder | White Satin Moth | Leucoma salicis | |
Schaapje | Miller | Acronicta leporina | |
Schaaruil | The Shears | Hada plebeja | |
Schaduwsnuituil | Shaded Fan-foot | Herminia tarsicrinalis | |
Schedeldrager | The Coronet | Craniophora ligustri | |
Schemerbladroller | Brown-barred Tortrix | Epagoge grotiana | micro |
Schermbloemdwergspanner | White-spotted Pug | Eupithecia tripunctaria | |
Scherphoekvedermot | Plume Moth | Amblyptilia acanthadactyla | micro |
Schijn-nonvlinder | Svensson's Copper Underwing | Panthea coenobita | |
Schijnpiramidevlinder | Panthea coenobita (has no English name) | Amphipyra berbera | |
Schilddrager | Poplar Grey | Subacronicta megacephala | |
Schildstipspanner | Small Fan-footed Wave | Idaea biselata | |
Schimmelspanner | Common Marbled Carpet | Dysstroma truncata | |
Schorspedaalmot | Argyresthia glaucinella (has no English name) | Argyresthia glaucinella | |
Sierlijke pedaalmot | Argyresthia
(has no English name) | Argyresthia brockeella | micro |
Sierlijke voorjaarsuil | Powdered Quaker | Orthosia gracilis | |
Sint-jacobsbladroller | Black-headed Conch | Cochylichroa atricapitana | micro |
Sint-jacobsvlinder | Cinnabar | Tyria jacobaeae | |
Sint-jansvlinder | Six-Spot Burnet | Zygaena filipendulae | |
Slakrups | Festoon | Apoda limacodes | |
Sleedoorndwergspanner | Sloe Pug | Pasiphila chloerata | |
Sleedoornhangmatmot | Lyonetia prunifoliella (has no English name) | Lyonetia prunifoliella | micro |
Smalle weidemot | Phycitodes maritima (has no English name) | Phycitodes maritima | micro |
Smalle witlijngrasmot | Agriphila selasella (has no English name) | Agriphila selasella | micro |
Smalvleugeldwergspanner | Narrow-winged Pug | Eupithecia nanata | |
Smaragdlangsprietmot | Green Longhorn | Adela reaumurella | micro |
Sneeuwwitte vedermot | White Plume Moth | Pterophorus pentadactyla | micro |
Snuitvlinder | Pale Prominent | Pterostoma palpina | |
Spitsvleugelgrasuil | Southern Wainscot | Mythimna straminea | |
Spurrie-uil | Nutmeg | Anarta trifolii | |
Stipjesbladroller | Lozotaeniodes formosan (has nog English name) | Lozotaeniodes formosana | micro |
Stompvleugelgrasuil | Smokey Wainscot | Mythimna impura | |
Streepjesdwergspanner | Freyer's Pug | Eupithecia intricata | |
Streepkokerbeertje | Scarce Footman | Eilema complana | |
Streepzaadvedermot | Breckland Plume | Crombrugghia distans | micro |
Stro-uil | Straw Dot | Rivula sericealis | |
Strooiselmot | Rose-flounced Tabby | Endotricha flammealis | micro |
Taxusspikkelspanner | Willow Beauty | Peribatodes rhomboidaria | |
Tienvlekmot | Luquetia lobella (has no English name) | c | micro |
Topspinnertje | Holly Tortrix Moth | Rhopobota naevana | micro |
Triangelmot | Gold Triangle | Hypsopygia costalis | micro |
Tuinbladroller | Privet Tortrix | Clepsis consimilana | micro |
Tweekleurige heremietuil | Olive | Ipimorpha subtusa | |
Tweekleurige lichtmot | Tabby Knot-horn | Euzophera pinguis | micro |
Tweekleurige wilgenroosjesmot | Mompha raschkiella (has no English name) | Mompha raschkiella | micro |
Tweelijnmot | Hypsopygia glaucinalis (has no English name) | Hypsopygia glaucinalis | micro |
Tweestip-orvlinder | Common Lutestring | Ochropacha duplaris | |
Tweestreepvoorjaarsuil | Common Quaker | Orthosia cerasi | |
Tweevlekspanner | White-pinion Spotted | Lomographa bimaculata | |
V-dwergspanner | V-pug | Chloroclystis v-ata | |
Vaal kokerbeertje | Hoary Footman | Eilema caniola | |
Valeriaandwergspanner | Valerian Pug | Eupithecia valerianata | |
Variabele breeedvleugeluil | Ingrailed Clay | Diarsia mendica | |
Variabele eikenuil | Oak Nycteoline | Nycteola revayana | |
Variabele elzensteltmot | Scarce Alder Slender | Caloptilia falconipennella | micro |
Variabele granietmot | Eudonia mercurella (has no English name) | Eudonia mercurella | micro |
Variabele grasmot | Agriphila tristella (has no English name) | Agriphila tristella | micro |
Variabele grasuil | Clouded-bordered Brindle | Apamea crenata | |
Variabele herfstuil | Beaded Chestnut | Agrochola lychnidis | |
Variabele oogbladroller | Epinotia nisella (has no English name) | Epinotia nisella | micro |
Variabele spikkelspanner | Mottled Beauty | Alcis repandata | |
Variabele voorjaarsuil | Clouded Drab | Orthosia incerta | |
Variabele w-uil | Dog's Tooth | Lacanobia suasa | |
Veldgrasuil | Large Nutmeg | Apamea anceps | |
Vierbandspanner | Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet | Xanthorhoe ferrugata | |
Vierkantvlekuil | Square-spot Rustic | Xestia xanthographa | |
Viervlakvlinder | Four-spotted Footman | Lithosia quadra | |
Vijfvlek-sint-jansvlinder | Five-spot Burnet | Zygaena trifolii | |
Vlekstipspanner | Single Dotted Wave | Idaea dimidiata | |
Vliervlinder | Swallow-tailed Moth | Ourapteryx sambucaria | |
Vogelkersstippelmot | Bird-cherry Ermine | Yponomeuta evonymella | micro |
Vogelwiekje | Bird's Wing | Dypterygia scabriuscula | |
Volgeling | Lesser Yellow Underwing | Noctua comes | |
Voorjaarsbladroller | Tortricodes alternella (has no English name) | Tortricodes alternella | micro |
Voorjaarsboomspanner | March Moth | Alsophila aescularia | |
Voorjaarsdwergspanner | Brindled Pug | Eupithecia abbreviata | |
Voorjaarsspanner | Small Brindled Beauty | Apocheima hispidaria | |
Vroege blokspanner
| Early Tooth-striped | Trichopteryx carpinata | |
Vroege granietmot
| Scoparia ambigualis (has no English name) | Scoparia ambigualis | micro |
Vroege grasmot | Crambus lathoniellus (has no English name) | Crambus lathoniellus | micro |
Vroege spanner | Oak Beauty | Biston strataria | |
Vroeg visstaartje | Least Black Arches | Nola confusalis | |
Vruchtbladroller | Summer Fruit Tortrix | Adoxophyes orana | micro |
Vuurmot | Oak Lantern | Carcina quercana | micro |
Vuursteenvlinder | Buff Arches | Habrosyne pyritoides | |
Waaiermot | Twenty-plume Moth | Alucita hexadactyla | micro |
Waasjesstippelmot | Yponomeuta irrorella (has no English name) | Yponomeuta irrorella | micro |
Wachtervlinder | The Satellite | Eupsilia transversa | |
Waddenkaartmot | Agonopterix curvipunctosa (has no English name) | Agonopterix curvipunctosa | micro |
Walstropijlstaart | Bedstraw Hawk-moth | Hyles gallii | |
Wapendrager | Buff-tip | Phalera bucephala | |
Waterleliemot | Brown China-mark | Elophila nymphaeata | micro |
Weegbreemot | Straw-barred Pearl | Pyrausta despicata | micro |
Weidehalmuiltje | Lesser Common Rustic | Mesapamea secalella | |
Weidemot | Phycitodes binaevella (has no English name) | Phycitodes binaevella | micro |
Wilgendwergspanner | Slender Pug | Eupithecia tenuiata | |
Wilgenhermelijnvlinder | Poplar Kitten | Furcula bifida | |
Wilgenhoutrups | Goat Moth | Cossus cossus | |
Wilgenmarmerbladroller | Apotomis capreana (has no English name) | Apotomis capreana | micro |
Wilgenschorsvlinder | Dingy Shears | Apterogenum ypsillon | |
Wilgensteltmot | Caloptilia stigmatella (has no English name) | Caloptilia stigmatella | micro |
Wilgenstippelmot | Willow Ermine Moth | Yponomeuta rorrella | micro |
Wilgentandvlinder | Three-humped Prominent | Notodonta tritophus | |
Windepijlstaart | Convolvulus Hawkmoth | Agrius convolvuli | |
Windevedermot | Morning-glory Plume Moth | Emmelina monodactyla | micro |
Witkopmot | White-shouldered House Moth | Endrosis sarcitrella | micro |
Witlijngrasmot | Agriphila latistria (has no English name) | Agriphila latistria | micro |
Witlijntandvlinder | Oak Marbled Brown | Drymonia querna | |
Witschouderbladroller | Garden Rose Tortrix | Acleris variegana | micro |
Witsnuitpopulierenbladroller | Gypsonoma sociana (has no English name) | Gypsonoma sociana | micro |
Witstipgrasuil | White-point | Mythimna albipuncta | |
Witvlekspikkelspanner | Brindled White-spot | Parectropis similaria | |
Witvlekspitskopmot | Ypsolopha parenthesella (has no English name) | Ypsolopha parenthesella | micro |
Witte grijsbandspanner | Common White Wave | Cabera pusaria | |
Witte oogbladroller | Epinotia bilunana (has no English name) | Epinotia bilunana | micro |
Witte schaduwspanner | Clouded Silver | Lomographa temerata | |
Witte tijger | White Ermine | Spilosoma lubricipeda | |
Witvlekkruidenmot | Udea olivalis (has no English name) | Udea olivalis | micro |
Woudbladroller | Orthotaenia undulana (has no English name) | Orthotaenia undulana | micro |
Zandhalmuiltje | Cloaked Minor | Mesoligia furuncula | |
Zandlopermot | Lobster-clawed Moth | Hypatima rhomboidella | micro |
Zandvedermot | Gillmeria ochrodactyla (has no English name) | Gillmeria ochrodactyla | micro |
Zebramot | Wood Groundling | Parachronistis albiceps | micro |
Zeggesnuitmot | Donacaula mucronella (has no English name) | Donacaula mucronella | micro |
Zesstreepuil | Six-striped Rustic | Xestia sexstrigata | |
Zilveren groenuil | Green Silver-lines | Pseudoips prasinana | |
Zilverstreep | Silver Barred | Deltote bankiana | |
Zilverstreepgrasmot | Crambus pascuella (has no English name) | Crambus pascuella | micro |
Zilvervlekbladroller | Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (has no English name) | Pseudargyrotoza conwagana | micro |
Zomerbladroller | Red-barred Tortrix | Ditula angustiorana | micro |
Zomervlinder | Large Emerald | Geometra papilionaria | |
Zonnesproetbladroller | Aleimma loeflingiana (has no English name) | Aleimma loeflingiana | micro |
Zuidelijke grasuil | Delicate | Mythimna vitellina | |
Zuidelijke stofuil | Vine's Rustic | Hoplodrina ambigua | |
Zuringpalpmot | Aroga velocella (has no English name) | Aroga velocella | micro |
Zuringspanner | Lythria cruentaria (has no English name) | Lythria cruentaria | |
Zuringuil | Knot Grass | Acronicta rumicis | |
Zwamboorder | Crassa unitella (has no English name) | Crassa unitella | micro |
Zwart beertje | Red-necked Footman | Atolmis rubricollis | |
Zwartbandspanner | Garden Carpet | Xanthorhoe fluctuata | |
Zwartbruine vlakjesmot | Catoptria verellus (has no English name) | Catoptria verellus | micro |
Zwarte c-uil | Setaceous Hebrew Character | Xestia c-nigrum | |
Zwarte eikenbladroller | Strophedra nitidana (has no English name) | Strophedra nitidana | micro |
Zwarte herfstspinner | December Moth | Poecilocampa populi | |
Zwartkamdwergspanner | Double-striped Pug | Gymnoscelis rufifasciata | |
Zwartstipvlinder | Red-line Quaker | Agrochola lota | |
Zwartvlekdwergspanner | Lime-speck Pug | Eupithecia centaureata | |
Zwartvlekgranietmot | Eudonia delunella (has no English name) | Eudonia delunella | micro |
Zwartvlekwinteruil | Black-spotted Chestnut | Conistra rubiginosa | |
Zwart weeskind | Old Lady | Mormo maura | |